Virus Dihancurkan Dengan Ultraviolet
Kita bisa membunuh virus (menon-aktifkan virus, virus nggak bisa dibunuh karena virus tidak hidup) dengan lebih aman dengan menggunakan ultrasound (pada 60Ghz, disesuaikan dengan nilai resonan si virus) dan / atau konsentrasi sinar ultra-violet pada panjang-gelombang 255 - 280 nm, menggunakan UV-C LED, atau lampu Mercury Low-Vapor-Pressure.
Murah pula. UV-C panjang gelombang 255-280 nM juga dipancarkan matahari -tapi- tertahan lapisan Ozon, jadi nggak sampai Bumi. Tapi kita bisa menghasilkan UV-C menggunakan lampu UV-C, dengan intensitas 1.5 watts per meter kubik. Tinggal sesuaikan besar ruangan dengan jumlah lampu yang diperlukan.
Note, UV-C ya, jangan pakai yang UV-A atau UV-B.
Untuk Ultrasound, anak ITB / universitas teknik lain bisa bikin ini. Untuk lampu UV-C, warga bisa beli / bikin sendiri.
Setop solusi chemical karena berbahaya untuk manusia.
According to the latest guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of the novel coronavirus released by the National Health Commission, the virus is sensitive to ultraviolet light and heat, so ultraviolet radiation can effectively eliminate the virus.
According to the guideline, indoor spaces should be disinfected with ultraviolet light with an intensity of over 1.5 watts per cubic meter. A UV lamp can disinfect objects within one meter for at least half an hour.
Longer exposure to radiation is needed when the temperature indoors is below 20 C or above 40 C and relative humidity is over 60 percent.
In prior studies, they found that far-UVC light killed methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) bacteria -- a common and dangerous "superbug" -- without harming human or mouse skin.
In this new study, they found that far-UVC light also killed airborne H1N1 virus, a common strain of flu virus.
"Far-UVC light has a very limited range and cannot penetrate through the outer dead-cell layer of human skin or the tear layer in the eye, so it's not a human health hazard," said Brenner, who directs Columbia's Center for Radiological Research.