....The Most Important For Us.... *Why should companies recruit* *people over 50* *for senior and responnsible positions?* *Because they are more productive* *than those below 50!* *A massive study in America* *found that the most productive age* *in a man's life is* *60 - 70*, *From 70 - 80* *is the 2nd most productive age.* *The 3rd most productive age is 50 - 60.* *The average age of a Nobel Prize winner is 62.* *The average age of a CEO* *in a Fortune 500 company is 63*. *The average age of the pastors* *of the 100 biggest churches in America is 71*. *The average age of Pope's is 76* *This tells us somehow* *God has designed that the best years of your life are 60 - 80!* *IT IS WHEN YOU DO YOUR BEST WORK.* *A study published in NEJM found* *that at 60* *you reach your peak of potential* *and continue up to 80!* *So, if you are between 60 - 70, or 70-80, you have the best and second best years of your life with you!* Source: *N.Engl.J.Med 70.389* *(2018...