
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2025

The World's Oldest Pyramid Hidden Beneath the Earth: Gunung Padang

Gunung Padang: The World's Oldest Pyramid Hidden Beneath the Earth What if the oldest pyramid in the world wasn’t in Egypt but in Indonesia? Gunung Padang, a mysterious site in West Java, may be just that. Although it appears as a simple hill covered in dense vegetation, beneath its surface lies a massive ancient structure—one that could rewrite human history. Recent studies using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), seismic tomography, and archaeological excavations suggest that Gunung Padang is a multi-layered pyramid, constructed over thousands of years. The uppermost layer, visible today, consists of stone columns, walls, pathways, and open spaces, dated to around 3,000–3,500 years ago (1,000 BC). But deeper layers reveal even more astonishing findings. At a depth of 3 meters, a second layer of columnar basalt blocks has been dated to between 7,500 and 8,300 years ago (around 6,000 BC)—predating the earliest known civilizations. Beneath this, a third layer extends 15 meters deep and...

"Misteri Struktur Bata Kuno di Kumitir: Jejak Kedaton Majapahit atau Candi Pendharmaan?"

Struktur bata kuno itu terletak di Dusun Bendo, Desa Kumitir, Kecamatan Jatirejo, Kabupaten Mojokerto. Hingga kini, struktur sepanjang 100 meter itu diprediksi merupakan talud. Tetapi, tim arkeolog belum dapat menyimpulkan bangunan apa yang dulunya pernah berdiri di lokasi tersebut. Meski demikian, mereka menyakini, lokasi tersebut merupakan tempat penting kala itu. Bentangan struktur bata kuno dengan panjang lebih dari 200 meter, ketebalan 140 cm dengan tinggi kisaran 120 cm dari permukaan tanah asli, tentunya memunculkan berbagai prediksi. Arkeolog Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya (BPCB) Jawa Timur, Nugroho Dwi Wicaksono menyakini lokasi tersebut bukan tempat sembarangan. "Kita perkirakan bahwa struktur bata ini merupakan sisi timur dari Kota Majapahit. Dimana disebutkan bahwa Kedaton Majapahit itu dikelilingi tembok-tembok. Nah bisa jadi kita menemukan sisi timur dari kedaton, dimana posisi tengahnya berada di Segaran dan Sumur Upas," ujar Wicak Prediksi itu tak ...

Arca Dewa Ganesha Tidur

Artefak Perunggu Arca Dewa Ganesha tidur, era Majapahit abad ke -14 M, koleksi Etnhic Folk Native Art Gallery

Ancient Seafarers: Evidence of Maritime Mastery in Southeast Asia 40,000 Years Ago 🚢

🌏 New archaeological discoveries suggest that the ancient inhabitants of Southeast Asia were pioneers in seafaring technology, challenging the long-held belief that such advancements originated in Europe or Africa. Researchers analyzing stone tools from sites in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Timor-Leste found evidence dating back 40,000 years, indicating that early humans in the region were already skilled in boatbuilding, open-sea fishing, and the use of sophisticated fiber-based technology for ropes and nets.  The presence of fishing hooks, net weights, and remains of deep-sea fish like tuna and sharks further supports the idea that these ancient mariners navigated vast ocean distances with purpose and strategy, rather than drifting aimlessly on bamboo rafts as previously assumed. This groundbreaking research not only redefines the role of Southeast Asia in early technological advancements but also highlights the ingenuity of its prehistoric peoples, whose maritime...