Scientists Just Figured Out How to Turn Cancer Cells Back into Normal Cells HASHEM AL-GHAILI/SCIENCE NATURE PAGE

A new breakthrough treatment flips cancer cells back into normal cells.

Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have discovered a way to transform cancer cells into healthy ones by targeting "master regulators" in the gene network of colon cancer cells.

They were able to reverse the cancerous state without destroying cellular material. 

This approach avoids the common side effects of traditional treatments, which often damage healthy cells alongside cancer cells. The key regulators — MYB, HDAC2, and FOXA2 — were suppressed to initiate the reversion process, successfully restoring the cells to a normal-like state.

The innovative technique was demonstrated through digital modeling, molecular experiments, and tests on mice, marking a revolutionary step in cancer therapy.

 Beyond colon cancer, the team applied their model to identify potential master regulators in mouse brain cells, opening new possibilities for tackling brain cancer. "This research introduces the novel concept of reversible cancer therapy," said lead researcher Professor Kwang-Hyun Cho. 

If widely applied, this method could reshape cancer treatment, providing a more targeted, less destructive alternative to conventional approaches.

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Perawatan terobosan baru mengubah sel kanker kembali menjadi sel normal.

Para peneliti di Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) telah menemukan cara untuk mengubah sel kanker menjadi sel sehat dengan menargetkan "pengatur utama" dalam jaringan gen sel kanker usus besar.

Mereka mampu membalikkan keadaan kanker tanpa merusak materi seluler.

Pendekatan ini menghindari efek samping umum dari perawatan tradisional, yang sering merusak sel sehat di samping sel kanker. Pengatur utama — MYB, HDAC2, dan FOXA2 — ditekan untuk memulai proses pembalikan, berhasil memulihkan sel ke keadaan seperti normal.

Teknik inovatif ini didemonstrasikan melalui pemodelan digital, eksperimen molekuler, dan pengujian pada tikus, yang menandai langkah revolusioner dalam terapi kanker.

Di luar kanker usus besar, tim menerapkan model mereka untuk mengidentifikasi pengatur utama potensial dalam sel otak tikus, membuka kemungkinan baru untuk mengatasi kanker otak. "Penelitian ini memperkenalkan konsep baru terapi kanker yang dapat dibalikkan," kata peneliti utama Profesor Kwang-Hyun Cho. Jika diterapkan secara luas, metode ini dapat mengubah pengobatan kanker, menyediakan alternatif yang lebih terarah dan tidak terlalu merusak dibandingkan pendekatan konvensional.

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