In ancient England, people could not have sex without the King’s consent (unless it was a member of the royal family).
When people wanted to have a child, they had to ask for permission from the monarch, who handed them a plaque to hang outside their door while having sex.
The sign read: "Fornication Under Consent of the King" (F.U.C.K.). That's the origin of such saved words.
During the civil war, when the troops returned to their barracks without having any leave, they wrote on a large blackboard
0 Killed (Zero killed). That’s where the expression “O.K.” comes from to say everything is fine.
In the convent, during the reading of the Holy Scriptures, referring to St. Joseph they always said "Pater Putatibus" and to simplify "P.P." Thus the name "Pepe" was born to the Josephs.
Each king of cards represents a great king in history:
Swords: King David
Shamrocks: Alejandro the Great
Hearts: Carlo Magno
Diamonds: Julius Caesar
In the New Testament in the book of Saint Matthew says "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven" the problem is that Saint Jerome, the translator of the text, interpreted the word camels" as a camel, when in fact, in Greek "Kamelos" is that thick rope with which ships are tied to the docks, in short, the meaning of the sentence is the same, but which do you find more coherent?
When the English conquerors arrived in Australia, they were amazed to see strange animals that made incredible leaps. Immediately, they called a native (the indigenous Australians were extremely peaceful) and tried to ask him through signs. Noticing that the native always said "Khan Ghu Ru" they adopted the English word "kangaroo" (kangaroo). Linguists determined time after the meaning, which was very clear. The aborigines meant to say "I don't understand you."
The area of Mexico known as Yucatan comes from the conquest, when a Spaniard asked an indigenous what they called that place. The Indian said : Yucatan.
What the Spaniard didn't know was that he was replying: "I'm not from here."
This happened to me with the previous narrative.

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