
Menampilkan postingan dari 2025

The World's Oldest Pyramid Hidden Beneath the Earth: Gunung Padang

Gunung Padang: The World's Oldest Pyramid Hidden Beneath the Earth What if the oldest pyramid in the world wasn’t in Egypt but in Indonesia? Gunung Padang, a mysterious site in West Java, may be just that. Although it appears as a simple hill covered in dense vegetation, beneath its surface lies a massive ancient structure—one that could rewrite human history. Recent studies using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), seismic tomography, and archaeological excavations suggest that Gunung Padang is a multi-layered pyramid, constructed over thousands of years. The uppermost layer, visible today, consists of stone columns, walls, pathways, and open spaces, dated to around 3,000–3,500 years ago (1,000 BC). But deeper layers reveal even more astonishing findings. At a depth of 3 meters, a second layer of columnar basalt blocks has been dated to between 7,500 and 8,300 years ago (around 6,000 BC)—predating the earliest known civilizations. Beneath this, a third layer extends 15 meters deep and...

"Misteri Struktur Bata Kuno di Kumitir: Jejak Kedaton Majapahit atau Candi Pendharmaan?"

Struktur bata kuno itu terletak di Dusun Bendo, Desa Kumitir, Kecamatan Jatirejo, Kabupaten Mojokerto. Hingga kini, struktur sepanjang 100 meter itu diprediksi merupakan talud. Tetapi, tim arkeolog belum dapat menyimpulkan bangunan apa yang dulunya pernah berdiri di lokasi tersebut. Meski demikian, mereka menyakini, lokasi tersebut merupakan tempat penting kala itu. Bentangan struktur bata kuno dengan panjang lebih dari 200 meter, ketebalan 140 cm dengan tinggi kisaran 120 cm dari permukaan tanah asli, tentunya memunculkan berbagai prediksi. Arkeolog Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya (BPCB) Jawa Timur, Nugroho Dwi Wicaksono menyakini lokasi tersebut bukan tempat sembarangan. "Kita perkirakan bahwa struktur bata ini merupakan sisi timur dari Kota Majapahit. Dimana disebutkan bahwa Kedaton Majapahit itu dikelilingi tembok-tembok. Nah bisa jadi kita menemukan sisi timur dari kedaton, dimana posisi tengahnya berada di Segaran dan Sumur Upas," ujar Wicak Prediksi itu tak ...

Arca Dewa Ganesha Tidur

Artefak Perunggu Arca Dewa Ganesha tidur, era Majapahit abad ke -14 M, koleksi Etnhic Folk Native Art Gallery

Ancient Seafarers: Evidence of Maritime Mastery in Southeast Asia 40,000 Years Ago 🚢

🌏 New archaeological discoveries suggest that the ancient inhabitants of Southeast Asia were pioneers in seafaring technology, challenging the long-held belief that such advancements originated in Europe or Africa. Researchers analyzing stone tools from sites in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Timor-Leste found evidence dating back 40,000 years, indicating that early humans in the region were already skilled in boatbuilding, open-sea fishing, and the use of sophisticated fiber-based technology for ropes and nets.  The presence of fishing hooks, net weights, and remains of deep-sea fish like tuna and sharks further supports the idea that these ancient mariners navigated vast ocean distances with purpose and strategy, rather than drifting aimlessly on bamboo rafts as previously assumed. This groundbreaking research not only redefines the role of Southeast Asia in early technological advancements but also highlights the ingenuity of its prehistoric peoples, whose maritime...

Civilization Reset: The Mystery of Humanity's Collapse and Revival

HUMANITY'S LAST RESET. ... About 3,200 years ago, the civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean, North Africa and the Near East prospered through cultural exchange, trade and diplomacy. But in the 12th century B.C., these societies mysteriously collapsed, ushering in a “dark age” period with social and cultural stagnation. Among the affected civilizations were the Assyrian Empire, the New Kingdom of Egypt, the Mycenaeans and the Minoans. This 'reset' of human society in general is only the last known. ... It is now a certainty in the scientific community that previously, a comet or comets of considerable size were on a collision course with Earth around 10,794 B.C., about 12,800 years ago. Near the Earth's atmosphere, the comet swarm exploded, causing a huge trail of fragments of different sizes. These hit the earth's soil on at least four continents. The impact had a double effect. In the areas where the large meteorites fell, there was a destructive e...

Naga Muluk Sinangga Jalma: Candrasengkala Candi Naga

Potret lawas 1901 Hancur Inilah bangunan utama Candi Naga,diduga untuk menyimpan peralatan keagamaan dan pusaka. ○Didalam Kitab Nagarakretagama yang ditulis pada tahun 1365, Candi ini disebut sebagai bangunan suci "Palah" yang dikunjungi Raja Hayam Wuruk dalam perjalanan kerajaan bertamasya keliling Jawa Timur. ○Candi Naga yang hanya tersisa bagian kaki dan badan dengan ukuran lebar 4,83 meter, panjang 6,57 meter dan tinggi 4,70 meter. Nama Candi Naga digunakan untuk menamakan bangunan ini karena sekeliling tubuh candi dililit naga dan disangga tokoh-tokoh berbusana raya seperti raja sebanyak sembilan buah, masing-masing berada di sudut-sudut bangunan, bagian tengah ketiga dinding dan di sebekah kiri dan kanan pintu masuk. ○Di depan telah disampaikan bahwa  naga di sangga 9 orang ini mengisyaratkan sebuah candrasengkala”Naga muluk sinangga jalma” yang berarti angka tahun 1208 Saka atau 1286 M dimasa pemerintahan Kertanegara.

Hidden Amazon Cities: Uncovering the Lost World of the Upano Civilization

Deep in the the Amazon rainforest, archaeologists have uncovered a hidden treasure - a string of ancient cities that once thrummed with the lives of at least 10,000 souls some 2,000 years back. Tucked near the rugged Andes in Ecuador's slice of the Amazon, these lost places came into view through the sharp eyes of LIDAR tech, peeling back the jungle's green veil to show a web of settlements stitched together by wide, winding roads. These old haunts belonged to the Upano people, who called this land home from 500 BC to 600 AD. Their cities sprawled amid fields ripe for harvest, crisscrossed by clever ditches that tamed the rains. Big roads - some stretching 10 meters wide (that's 33 feet in American reckoning) and running 20 kilometers (12 miles) long - tied the towns together like threads in a quilt, forming what the experts now call a "lost valley of cities." The sheer sprawl and smarts of these setups paint a picture of a people who knew their stuff,...

The Battle of Marathon: A Monument to Courage and Sacrifice

Imagine standing on the very ground where 192 Athenian warriors made their final stand against the Persian Empire in 490 BC. The Battle of Marathon, fought on the plains of Marathon, Greece, is a pivotal moment in history, symbolizing the resilience and valor of the ancient Greeks. In the aftermath of this remarkable victory, the Athenians honored their fallen soldiers by constructing a large burial mound, known as a "tumulus" or "Soros," on the battlefield. This monumental structure, approximately 30 feet high and 164 feet wide, was not only a physical tribute but also a symbol of Athenian unity and bravery. Unlike the typical Athenian practice of burying war dead in the Kerameikos cemetery in Athens, the decision to inter the 192 fallen warriors at Marathon was a deliberate act to commemorate their heroism on the very site of their sacrifice.  Excavations of the mound have revealed significant archaeological findings. In 1884, archaeologist Dimitrios P...

Nama negara di Asia Tenggara dan artinya

 🤔 Di Asia Tenggara, nama-nama negara memiliki sejarah dan makna yang berakar dari berbagai bahasa, budaya, dan peristiwa sejarah. Nama-nama tersebut sering kali mencerminkan identitas, harapan, atau kondisi geografis yang menjadi ciri khas masing-masing negara.   Beberapa nama negara di kawasan ini memiliki makna yang berkaitan dengan kekuatan alam atau karakteristik geografis. Ada negara yang namanya berarti “tanah air” atau “negeri yang dikelilingi perairan,” yang mencerminkan realitas geografis wilayah tersebut yang terdiri dari banyak pulau atau garis pantai yang panjang. Ada juga nama yang merujuk pada kondisi tanah yang subur atau kekayaan sumber daya alam yang dimiliki negara tersebut.   Selain unsur geografis, ada pula negara yang namanya mengandung makna historis atau filosofis. Beberapa nama berasal dari bahasa kuno yang digunakan oleh kerajaan atau peradaban terdahulu, yang mencerminkan kejayaan atau keagungan di masa lalu. Sementara itu...

Jejak Dahsyat Meriam Sunan Kuning: Jebolnya Benteng Kartasura

Bekas Tembakan Meriam Pasukan Mas Garendi Ketika Menjebol Keraton Kartasura  Berawal dari "Geger Pecinan" sebuah tragedi VOC membantai orang-orang Tionghoa di Batavia pada bulan Oktober 1740. Sejumlah orang Tionghoa yang melarikan diri kemudian bersekutu dengan kekuatan Mataram di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Mereka mengucap sumpah setia pada Pakubuwono II dan menggalang kekuatan untuk melawan VOC. VOC yang terkenal licik kemudian memainkan strategi untuk meredam perlawanan pasukan gabungan Mataran & Laskar Tionghoa. Pada awal 1742, VOC berhasil menekan beberapa posisi Mataram dan Laskar Tionghoa. Sadar posisinya terjepit, Sri Susuhunan Pakubuwono II yang awalnya memerangi VOC kemudian memutuskan untuk berbalik dan mendukung VOC. Peperangan semakin besar setelah membelotnya Pakubuwono II kepada VOC. Kemudian, Pasukan gabungan Jawa - Tionghoa yang dipimpin oleh Raden Mas Garendi dan Kapitan Sepanjang terlus melakukan perlawanan terhadap VOC dan Pakubuwono II. Pi...

How to propagate roses very easily using toilet paper

How to propagate roses very easily using toilet paper 1. Selecting Cuttings: Choose healthy rose stems with 3-4 leaf nodes, around 6-8 inches long. 2. Preparing Cuttings: Trim stems just below a leaf node, removing flowers or buds. 3. Wrapping in Toilet Paper: Dampen toilet paper, wrap it around the stem, covering it completely. 4. Optional Rooting Hormone: Dip the wrapped end in rooting hormone powder for faster root growth. 5. Planting: Insert the wrapped end into well-draining potting mix in small pots or containers. 6. Covering: Place clear plastic bags or wrap over pots to create a mini greenhouse effect. 7. Ideal Conditions: Put pots in warm, bright area with indirect sunlight. Keep soil moist but not waterlogged. 8. Monitoring: Check for new growth regularly and mist with water to maintain humidity. 9. Transplanting: After 6-8 weeks, when roots develop, transplant into larger pots or garden carefully. 10. Continued Care: Water regularly, provide sunlight, and fertilize for healt...